Here’s some important March information to help you plan ahead! Join us in celebrating Read 📖 Across America from March 3rd to 7th! 🎉 Participate in the fun with these exciting dress-up days!
13 days ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Read Across America
February Information & Events
17 days ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
February Events
📢Important Changes to Morning Drop-off Locations📢 As we get ready to resume school on Monday, January 6th, we wanted to remind you of the changes taking place due to the construction on 26th Street. Notes went home with each student and BrightArrow text/emails were sent about the changes before the break. Here are some reminders… ‼️Kindergarten Morning Drop-Off‼️ Kindergarten morning drop-off lane will be relocated to the east side of our building. This new dropoff lane will operate as a one-way street heading north toward Harvest, circling around the east side of their building, and exiting onto Main Street. To ensure a smooth transition, we strongly encourage all families to utilize this designated drop-off lane. ✏️Please Note✏️ ☑️Kindergarten students will no longer enter through the front doors. Instead, they will enter through the east-side playground gate. ☑️The east parking lot will be for STAFF PARKING only during morning drop-off. ☑️During kindergarten morning drop-off and afternoon pick up, the east parking lot will be a one-way street. It will be blocked off during the school day. ☑️Staff members will continue to be available during the morning drop-off to assist students as they exit vehicles and make their way safely onto campus. ☑️Students will continue to be assisted in exiting the vehicle. They will need to be ready to exit from the driver side passenger door. ‼️Kindergarten End-of-Day Pick-Up‼️ The kindergarten end-of-day pick-up process will remain the same. The only difference will be if you park in the east parking lot, you will exit towards Harvest to leave the campus. There will be no exiting on to Grand Avenue. ‼️DD Preschool and ACCESS Program Changes‼️ We are also adjusting the drop-off and pick-up locations for DD Preschool and ACCESS. This entrance will be moved to the front of the building. This is only a change in location, same procedures will be followed. Please see the map to help designate each area. ⚠️To keep everyone safe, please remember to be mindful of your speed as we utilize this new route. ⏰All students who arrive after the bell rings will follow the same procedure and be escorted by an adult through the front doors to be signed in.
about 2 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Road Closure
Drop-off Map
Starts next week! 🎄🎅🏼❄️
2 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Holiday Dress Up Days
📌 Parent Training 📍 Artesia Administration Building 🗓️ Monday, December 9th
2 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
parent training
This week's attendance Super STARS! Mrs. Rodriguez's Penguin Class Congratulations!
2 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Rodriguez Class
Retakes 📷 are Monday, December 9th!
2 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Picture📷 Retakes are coming soon! School picture retakes will be on Monday, December 9th! Please see the RETAKE Picture Day Flyer for more information. You can also order online by going to and entering our school's event code. (Event Code: NM1046) Retakes are for absent students, new students, students who want to purchase, and students who want a retake. In order to get a retake replacement package, students must return their original package of photos. If you have any questions or concerns about pictures please call MJ Thomas Photo at 1-800-219-0199.
3 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Picture Info
Picture Retakes
There will be a change in the lunch menu for tomorrow, Thursday, November 14th, 2024. The menu will be as follows: Chicken Nuggets & Gravy au Gratin Potatoes Green Beans Fruit Cocktail
3 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Bring your lunch and make plans to join the monthly parent training at the Bulldog Training Center.
3 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Parent Training
📅 Join us on Monday, November 4th for our family literacy📚 night. There will be lots of fun nursery rhyme activities for students and their families. All the fun starts at 6:00 pm at GHECC. See you then!
4 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Family Night
📌Don't forget! Two no-school days are coming up next week. Also, the first nine weeks will come to a close this Friday, Oct. 11, with report cards to be distributed Wednesday, Oct. 16.
4 months ago, Brienne Green
An orange flyer showing two megaphones on either side of a white circle reading: "No School; Monday, October 14, Indigenous Peoples' Day; Friday, October 18, Parent/Teacher Conference Day"
🍂✏️Upcoming Events🖍️🍂 Fri. Oct. 11th: End of the 1️⃣st 9️⃣ Weeks📝 Mon. Oct. 14th: No School ✋! Wed. Oct. 16th: Report Cards 📝 go Home Fri. Oct. 18th: Parent 👩🏻‍🏫 Teacher Conference Mon. Oct. 21st: Fall Picture 📸 Day
4 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Dear Parents, FALL 🍂 Picture Day 📷 is coming! You can order online by going to and entering our school's event code. (Event Code: NM1046) Paper flyers will go home next week. If you have any questions or concerns about pictures please call MJ Thomas Photo at 1-800-219-0199.
5 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Picture Day
📢 Reminder: Early Release on Friday, September 20th🐾🧡 Grand Heights students will be dismissed at 1:05 PM on Friday, September 20th following our normal dismissal procedures. If your child rides the bus🚍, please be prepared to meet them at the bus stop 2 hours earlier than usual. Additionally, there will be no 🚫 preschool classes on Friday due to the early release schedule. If you have any questions, please call 📱the school office.
5 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Early Release
‼Please join us for Parenting Through Play, a parent training being offered at Grand Heights by Speech Pathologist, Vanessa Harvey. She has lots of great things to share. See you there! ‼Monday, September 16th @ 6:00 pm GHECC
5 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Parent Training
Next Week's Events at GHECC 🦫💛 📣Monday, September 2nd: No School! Happy Labor Day!! 📚Tuesday, September 3rd through Friday, September 6th from 3:00-4:00 pm, GH gym: Scholastic Book Fair 🗓️Thursday, September 5th: PTO Meeting @ 2:00 pm
6 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Labor Day no school
book fair
pto meeting
🍂🍁September Breakfast & Lunch Menu 🍽️
6 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
Sept Menu
Kindergarten is joining the other elementary schools for Homecoming dress up days. 🧡🐾🖤 This will be the week of September 16th through 20th. 🏈 📣 Don’t forget Friday, September 20th is an early release day.
6 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
HOCO Schedule
Parent Training - Routines for Families Please join us Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00 pm in the Grand Heights gym.
6 months ago, Grand Heights Early Childhood Center
parent training