About Yeso Elementary School
Yeso Elementary School serves Artesia students enrolled in grades one through five. Backed by a wonderful, supportive community, we are the largest elementary school within the Artesia Public School District. At Yeso Elementary, our team of highly qualified teachers is committed to preparing our students and helping them develop the skills required to receive an education beyond their elementary school years.
Whatever it Takes
We believe in our students. We know that with hard work and the right tools, they can and will succeed. As our motto states, we will do Whatever it takes. Our kids are worth it!
Epect Excellence NOW!
Our motto for the school year is Expect Excellence NOW! We have faith in the potential of your child.
Adapting our mindset to expect only the best is a process. We know that. But it is an exciting process focused on what is best for your child. Acting on our theme to Expect Excellence NOW, our teachers have raised their expectations of the students. We want all involved to have more faith in the students. Even if a child has struggled in the past, we will not accept a performance that does not match ability.
We invite you to help us in this endeavor by making sure your child completes his or her homework, receives adequate sleep, and arrives to school on time and ready to learn. Together, we can help our students be prepared to pursue their dreams.

Fast Facts
Mascot: Thunderbirds
School Colors: Purple and turquoise
Number of Students: 467
Grade Levels: 1 - 5
Motto: Whatever it takes. Our kids are worth it!
Theme: Expect Excellence NOW!
Bell Schedule
8:00 a.m. Teachers On Duty
8:05 a.m. Students Enter Building
8:15 a.m. Tardy Bell
11:00–11:20 a.m. First Grade Lunch
11:20–11:40 a.m. First Grade Recess
11:20–11:40 a.m. Second Grade Lunch
11:40 a.m.–noon Second Grade Recess
11:40 a.m.–noon Third Grade Lunch
Noon–12:20 p.m. Third Grade Recess
Noon–12:20 p.m. Fourth Grade Lunch
12:20–12:40 p.m. Fourth Grade Recess
12:20–12:40 p.m. Fifth Grade Lunch
12:40–1:00 p.m. Fifth Grade Recess
3:20 p.m. Walkers/Bus Students Dismissed
3:20 p.m. School Dismissal